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In search of spa pool relaxation, Malcolm Mannagh found relief | HotSpring Spas

In search of spa pool relaxation, Malcolm Mannagh found relief

“I think buying quality pays off in the long run.”

As a former cabinet maker who prides himself on his workmanship, Malcolm Mannagh, of Kamo, Whangārei, knows a thing or two about build quality. Now in his 60s and happily retired, he has turned his former profession into a hobby, creating ornate cigar boxes in his shed.

But while Malcolm has lived a full life, his labours have taken their toll. Now disabled and suffering from chronic pain, he was in search of relief.

Which is when he found Hot Spring.

A little bit of luxury turns into a lot of relief

“My local Hot Spring branch was having a sale,” replies Malcolm, when asked how he stumbled upon Hot Spring Spas Whangarei, a longstanding spa pool dealer that’s been servicing the area and its community for over 10 years.

“We always wanted a spa, so when we bought our new home, we decided to get one.”

The Mannaghs chose the four-person Azure, part of the Freeflow collection. “It was more than adequate for our sized family,” Malcom explains.

But while the intent behind the purchase was simply to add a bit of luxury to his life, Malcolm soon discovered that his spa was doing wonders for his aches and pains.

“I most enjoy the relief it gives me, and the gentle massage it gives with the therapeutic jets.”

Four years later, Malcolm uses his Hot Spring every day. It has become a critical part of his routine – a place where weight is taken off muscles and joints, where precisely warmed water brings comfort, and where hydromassage jets knead away aches and pains.

According to Malcolm, his Hot Spring has significantly improved both his pain management and his quality of life.

Years of use, but good as new

Back to build quality – something close to Malcolm’s heart. Knowing that Hot Spring was New Zealand’s oldest and most trusted spa pool brand, he had high hopes when he decided to invest in the best. He has not been disappointed.

Despite using his spa pool almost every day in the four years since he bought it, Malcolm says the machine looks and runs like new.


“I don’t think daily use has impacted on its lifespan at all. It is basically bulletproof and still looks the same as when we first bought it.”

It certainly helps that Malcolm takes care of his Azure by the book, checking the water weekly, cleaning filters and changing cartridges regularly, and draining and refilling his spa twice a year, all of which he believes will add to the longevity of his spa.

He has experienced zero issues with his spa pool – he describes it as “absolutely robust”, the after sales care he has experienced as “excellent”.

All in all, between the pain relief he has experienced and the build quality he has observed, Malcolm has turned from customer to Hot Spring evangelist: “I recommend it to family and friends every chance I get.”

Interested in experiencing the joys of Hot Spring spa pool ownership, like Malcolm has? Get in touch with your local Hot Spring dealer today or book in a test soak!

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